Further EED Thoughts

More thoughts and meta-thinking about science & EED

In the last post, I made mention of some experiments I ran in attempt to show evidence of these new sorts of waves. In general, the results were inconclusive and the cause remains an open question at this time. My feeling is that some aspect of my apparatus was insufficient in generating the new types of EED waves. I also mentioned that in the majority of reports I’ve encountered with these types of experiments and phenomenon, they typically utilize high voltages (in cases, extremely high ~100kv+). Other factors noted can also include rapid discharges or very high frequencies. I’ve also heard of very high DC voltages as well, which seems to run counter to the large frequencies, but perhaps the shortened periods act similar to the rapid discharge aspect.

There’s also a lot of different terminology and descriptions used, and it’s not yet clear to me if they are actually separate phenomenon or a different manifestation of the same type of underlying process. Some of these include radiant energy (Tesla’s description), ZPE (zero-point energy) and EVO (exotic vacuum object). Ball lightning has also been used at times.

Now of course, the physics community at large dismisses these as transient anomalies or pseudoscience, and admittedly, there is a lot of junk out there when it comes to the esoteric science and it’s certainly not helped by frauds and other deception which is not uncommon to see. Furthermore, the fact that traditional physics has been unable to explain legitimate experiments only compounds the problem; people in general, including physicists, are quick to chalk up things as garbage.

The real problem with that approach though, is that it’s a self-reinforcing behavior. You can never expect to find new discoveries and physics if you are quick to dismiss things. It’s very obvious this is a situation which has repeated itself over and over again throughout the history of science. As I mentioned before, it’s crucial to keep an open mind. This being said, it’s equally important to have a healthy dose of skepticism and evaluate things carefully and fully. Discernment seems to be the key goal; it is indeed a challenge to do this well and a fine line to walk. But, I think now – with the updated theories of extended electrodynamics – that science will actually be able to have a framework in which the legitimate phenomenon can be understood and explained. I can imagine a future where this, in turn, can start to shift the balance and quick dismissal of these into one where it is generally accepted and we can collectively look for ways to use this to solve problems plaguing our society and planet.

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